Coastplan Staff - Hany Ibrahim
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- Bachelor of Science in Civil Engineering (Hons) Ain Shams University, Egypt.
- Graduate Diploma in Local Government Engineering - University of Technology, Sydney 1993.
- Graduate Diploma in Civil Engineering - University of New South Wales - 1994.
Professional Development and Training
- MUSIC - Stormwater Drainage Modelling
- Road Safety Auditing (IPWEA)
- AS2870 Training Course
- Contracts Administration & Law (IMEA)
- Stormwater Management Plans (stormwater industry)
- Stormwater Computer Modelling: RAFTS, EXTRAN, SWMM (WP software)
- Advanced Road Design - CIVILCAD
- Urban Stormwater Management - UNSW
- Work Sites Traffic Control Certificate - RTA
- General OH&S Induction Training for Civil Works
- Activity based OH&S Induction for Civil Works
- Prequalification Tendering, Quality Assurance - RTA
- Sediment and Erosion Control Certificate - DLWC
- TAMS Drainage Module - DPWS
- AS4000 training course - Australian Standards
- AUS SPEC #1, #2 - IPWEA
- Engineers Australia - MIEAust, CPEng
- Structural design for Aged Care Facility - Forster
- Road Safety auditing for Bootawa Dam upgrade work (engaged by MidCoast Water)
- Stormwater quality/quantity pond for 90 lot subdivision - East Maitland
- Traffic Control Plan for unit development - Little Street, Forster
- Structural report on School of Arts building - Little Street, Forster (engaged by Great
Lakes Council)
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